Here in the Basement, there can never be too much fabric & ribbon or too many cute embroidery/applique' designs. There are so many talented digitizers out there. Many of them are SAHM/WAHMs (I want to be one of those!) and it feels great to support their businesses. What a win/win!...sales for them, adorable designs for me & my customers. The soccer ball and snail came from
Applique' Cafe. More cuteness using their designs coming soon!
My vacation week has been good. Made a quick trip to SC to see Mom. Nice visit. Of course, that always means a stop at Mary Jo's Fabric store...it's like fabric heaven! Wish I could have one yard of everything! I did an excellent job of containing myself and came out with just one
small big ass bag of fabric.
Durham Daughter is passing through this way tonight...we're off for a 'Mexican Date' and then we are 'dog sitting' for the rest of the weekend. She is visiting a high school buddy that is in Vet school in AL. I'm sure I don't want to know how much fun they will have!
Only one more day to get your name on the Giveaway list...don't forget to enter!