Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Meandering

We enjoyed another gorgeous Fall weekend. Once again, I did very little work in the basement. That trend ends here & now since Holiday orders are rolling in (thanks!). My excuse this time was visitors....Pa & Nina were here and the girls came to eat see them. We went to the NC Transportation Museum (worth it if you are in the area), did a little shopping & eating out, saw a movie, Hereafter (good) and did lots of talking and catching up...a very nice time. We also had some mighty cute Halloween characters stop by to Trick or Treat.

Today I'm trying to get back on track, but struggling a a nasty cut on my right hand (a glass broke when I was washing dishes...yikes!) Probably should have gone for a stitch or two, but opted for home treatment. We 'doctored it up' with steri strips, gauze and a wrap. It will be fine, but it's awkward working with a bandage. I managed to finish two more CuTees for Isaac (lucky guy!) and stitched up a couple of lunch bags. These insulated lunch bags are super cute and can be used as a 'baby bottle tote' too! They are available in several colors and they are on sale! Check here.
Hope everyone is planning to vote tomorrow, if you haven't already. I'm so tired of the political commercials and all the hype but really hope we get change this time. Yes, that was a jab at the current administration, actually politicians in general. Our Country is a mess....please, do your homework and vote for the leadership we need and deserve.

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