Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Enough already!

I'm not a big fan of snow in the first place,
yes, it's pretty

and the boys enjoy it,

but it's not exactly how I want to spend my 'Spring Break' if you know what I mean. Oh well, I'll take the extra sewing time any day. Y'all stay safe & warm.


  1. .....me either. Anything below 80 degrees is cool to me!!! Enjoy it if you can!

  2. How many snow days do y'all have in your calendar? I know what you're saying about Spring Break!! xoxo

  3. Our public school kids here have already lost 2 days of their spring break. No school here on Wednesday either. The poor kids in the mountains where my sister lives will never be able to make up all the days they have missed. I don't think my daughter's roommate is ever going to get to start her student teaching this semester! Too much snow. Enjoy your extra sewing time. Love & blessings from NC!
