Monday, November 2, 2009

Did you hear that?!?!?

At the end of the evening news, Brian Williams said "50% of all children in America are on Food Stamps and 90% of African American children are". That is a shocking statistic. What happened to personal responsibility? Seriously, do politicians and feeble minded freeloaders think there is any balance or fairness in that amount of 'dependency' in our society? Sure, my heart bleeds for the poor children. My exasperation is with the adults who contrived the system and those who feel entitled by it or worse, abuse it. And to add to the radio station just switched to it's 'All Christmas Music All The Time' format...for crying out loud! let us get the witches & goblins packed away first! Anyway, I made these cute things today.

Personalized totes, lunch bags & houndstooth clutch


  1. Sobering stats. I'm choosing to enjoy your creations and pull a Scarlett and not think about anything today. xoxo

  2. That's why we got rid of our televisions - so we couldn't hear crap like that! So frustrating! Love the bags though! And congrats to Rach!

  3. I want the HOUNDSTOOTH clutch!! I qualify people for loans and it is mind boggling that people think that they can buy a home and they defaulted on all other obligations, you know why, because OUR government says they are ENTITLED to be homeowners, you know what I say BS MAMA!!

  4. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I love your bags! I have a problem with bags. Those are some terrible numbers about food stamps. I wonder at times where they really get the numbers and some of them wonder at the reality. I have heard some lately that are not very believable. I really really live in a bubble- in our area we did not experience much economic problems. I guess I have never seen much poverty and see some of these statistics. It is hard hard to imagine.
