Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thinking Christmas yet?

I know some of you are already shopping for Christmas ... heck, so of you may be FINISHED shopping for Christmas!!! For those of you that are still in the 'planning' stages...hope you'll remember all the fabulous, reasonably priced items at Basement Bags.

I just reduced the price of monogrammed slippers to only $ that's a deal! a stinkin' cute personalized gift for less than twenty bucks!


  1. How adorable....just might need to go on Miss Preppy Sporty tween's list and mine!

  2. Those are so cute!

    Have a question for you....

    The Girl Scouts in the area are having a yard sale on Nov. 14th at the Intimidator's Stadium parking lot. Spaces are $20 for a small space and $30 for a large space. (Small=2 parking spots; large=3 parking spots)

    Would you be interested in renting a space that day to show off some of your Basement Bags? It could get you some orders for the Christmas holidays!

    Just let me know

